Delta Awards was created in 2019 by dental professionals, for dental professionals. A suite of modern, diverse courses has been produced aimed at dental nurses working in all dental sectors. Eight new Certificate programmes have been designed and delivered successfully over the last three years, and extended duties subjects and skills have been converted into Level 2 Awards.

DELTA is made up of several individuals who work to ensure the quality, integrity and validity of the courses. They are all qualified to degree level in dental specialties and experienced in the provision of dental care. We believe that it is not possible to fully support learners if our examiners and external quality auditors are not themselves part of the profession. All parties involved with DELTA hold registration with the General Dental Council. All personnel hold, or are working toward, teaching and/or quality assurance certificates.

DELTA provides the end point assessment and external quality services to allow other training providers to supply superior, professional, quality assured and relevant courses to the dental nurse sector. Our courses cover subjects such as Paediatric Dental Nursing, Minor Oral Surgery and Cone Beam CT and we believe the profession needs a proactive awarding organisation who can design, deliver and award programmes which meet the need of today’s dental nurses.